Your chimneys see a lot of use during those cold nights of winter, but now that it’s summer, it’s time for you to invest in your inspection, sweeping, and any necessary repairs. Don’t wait for fall to come – schedule an early chimney inspection with a professional now.

Why scheduling chimney care early? Here are some of the benefits of having your chimney serviced in the summer instead of waiting for the fall season.

1. Reduced Odors

Early Inspection:Sweeping - Memphis TN - Madewell Masonry smellAfter being used for almost the entire winter season, your chimney can emit an unpleasant smoky smell when your A/C kicks on in the summer. This is due to the debris and creosote that have built up inside of your flue. These odors can seep and spread into your home which will disrupt your peaceful ambiance and leave guests and family members uncomfortable.

If you don’t act soon, this smell will only get worse with the summer heat and humidity. Schedule a sweeping and inspection now to help reduce any unwelcome odors.

2. Preventing Animal Entry

Animals love to use your chimney to build nests, especially during the summer months when it’s not in use. They will seek refuge, make a home, then eventually leave behind nesting materials that can put your chimney at risk for a chimney fire. Other times, they are unable to get themselves out of the chimney and perish, which can cause odors and unwanted pests in your home.

By scheduling a chimney inspection early, you can rest assured any animals in your chimney will be discovered and safely removed well in time for the colder months. Your chimney sweep can also advise you on a proper chimney cap to invest in, and install it to keep animals and birds from entering again.

3. Quick & Early Service

Fall tends to be a busy season for chimney sweeps as people rush to get their chimneys ready for the winter. Getting your chimney inspected and swept in the summer will ensure a faster response time and no rush. 

And the same goes for any repair jobs. Chimney repairs can take time, especially if your chimney has suffered heavy damage. Instead of waiting for the busy fall season, schedule a chimney inspection as soon as possible to ensure your sweeps have ample time to get issues addressed well before the start of your burning season. (The weather this time of year is better for masonry repairs, as well.)

4. Extended Lifespan

A chimney sweeping and inspection can prolong the lifespan of your chimney. This means that your chimney will be able to serve you for many years and provide warmth to your whole family for the long haul. Preventative measures, such as sweepings, inspections, and prompt repairs, allow your chimney to last longer, stand stronger, and provide continued, reliable use for years to come.

5. Safer Fireplace Operations

Your chimney’s job is to provide warmth for your whole household. However, they can still cause potential dangerous and hazardous issues if not properly maintained. Creosote and soot can increase the chance of chimney fires and blockages can increase the likelihood of smoke and carbon monoxide exposure, both of which cause health issues. Getting your chimney swept and inspected regularly can help you avoid these dangers.

6. Less Smoke-Related Issues

Early Inspection:Sweeping - Memphis TN - Madewell Masonry smokeSmoke can cause damage to your chimney, affect the look of the exterior, and invite smells to linger throughout your household. It can also cause discoloration to your furniture and force them to also retain a strong, unpleasant odor. If you don’t maintain and clean your chimney, this heavy and dense smoke will overpower your home and make your system unsuitable for regular use.

Smoke can also affect the health of those in the home, especially if they’re elderly or already prone to respiratory issues – like asthma or regular allergies.

7. Peace of Mind

When you schedule an early chimney inspection, you won’t be bothered when winter comes around. You’ll simply be able to enjoy your system with peace of mind knowing that your chimney is ready and can perform safer and more efficiently the whole season long. Protect your investment and put your worries to rest by inviting our reliable team to your home today.

8. Increased Home Value

A well-maintained chimney is known to add significant value to a property, so it’s truly an investment you need to put the appropriate maintenance into. No one will be interested in or willing to pay more for a home with a non-functional fireplace and chimney. If you’re planning to sell your property, make sure that the chimney and the fireplace are inspected, cleaned, and free of any repairs.

Not looking to sell anytime soon? Investing in maintenance is still a must. By scheduling a straightforward and affordable inspection every year, you can rest easier knowing that no major repairs will be needed when the time to sell does eventually come.

9. An Earlier Start to Your Burn Season

Getting your chimney inspection done in the summer means you can start using your fireplace as soon as fall and cooler weather arrives. You will have no trouble using it when the cold weather starts to seep in because you know it’s inspection, swept, repaired, and completely ready to go.

Long story short… while your neighbors are scrambling to get an appointment booked upon the busiest season for sweeps, you’ll be relaxing in front of some cozy flames glad you got your maintenance done early.

10. No Delays

Early Inspection:Sweeping - Memphis TN - Madewell Masonry cozyWhen your chimney is under maintenance, you will have to stop using it for a while. But when you take advantage of the slow season and have it serviced during summer, you can get repairs done quicker, ensuring you can use it right away – without any delays. This is especially important for those who rely on their fireplace’s heat to offset energy costs. 

So, let’s say you don’t get your inspection in during the summer, but come fall, you get in early and don’t have to wait long for an appointment. Great news! That is, until your sweep discover buildup, damages, or broken components, all of which need addressing before you can light your system. That means it’s back to the calendar, only this time we’re guessing you won’t be so lucky with the booking process. Save the stress by getting it all done now!

Schedule Your Early Chimney Inspection With Us

At Madewell Masonry, we offer the best chimney and masonry services throughout the Memphis area. From chimney inspections and sweeping to repairs and installation work, we strive to do it all. Give us a call at 901-443-1036 or reach out online today!